cPanel - Image Converter

Image converter can be used for converting the image format of any image. It can convert from one supported type to any other supported type. To use the Image converter, open the interface by clicking the Converter link from the Images section.

Step 1 − Navigate to the directories by clicking on the folder icon on the left-hand side, as we did above.

Step 2 − Select the File or Folder which you want to resize by clicking on the Name of the File or Folder.

Note − Image Converter can be used with a single file or folder.

Step 3 − Select a new file type from the prompt as shown below, which can be −

  • Portable Network Graphics (.PNG)
  • JPEG (.JPG)
  • GIF (.GIF)
  • Bitmap (.BMP)

Step 4 − Finally Click on Convert to convert the file type.

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